Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Law of Healing in Order

I had a patient this week who had been in severe pain last week ask "How long until I can start working out hard again" They said this not out of concern for their health but their routine. It is hard when you are in a good healthy routine to get interupted, and the fear is if you don't stay on the routine the will lose what they have gained. Mother Nature has some rules we have to follow whether we like it or not. It take a minimum of 90 days to properly heal. Let use the example of a broken arm. If you break your arm it must first be set in the right position. Second it must stay immobilized for 6-8 weeks. (it wont be healled in 6-8 days even though the pain maybe gone). What would happen if you cut the cast off after 6-8 day because "it didn't hurt anymore" you would most likely rebreak it, it would not heal optimally and the process would take longer. Now lets say you were smarter than that and left the cast on for the entire recommended time. Most likely the bone would heal properly with minimal scar tissue, but will the arm look like the other arm that was not broken? No it would be atrophied meaning weaker and smaller. Next you would have to exercise it to regain the strength lost while it healed. So use your common sense when it comes to allowing your body to heal and remember the one thing you can't buy back is your health when you have lost it.

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